witch1.gifMy CAULDRON II PAGEwitch2.gif


This page contains maps for CAULDRON II - The Pumpkin Strikes Back. In German this game is called HEXENKÜCHE II - der Kürbis schlägt zurück. It has been quite a lot of work to release them.

1:1 map of cauldron II (2880x4160x16)

This is a very big image! Maybe you will not be able to view it in your webbrowser. Download it and look at the map with an appropriate utility.

smaller map of cauldron II (1024x1480x16)

This map has been resized from the original one, so that it can be viewed with less memory. I have also marked the items so that it will be easier for you to find them.


Well - this is not a real walkthrough yet. You have to collect all the items. items1.gif

I would suggest collecting them from the top of the castle to the bottom. One item is not listed above which is the hair of the witch.You have to collect the scissors before (Thanks to Fredrik Bissmarck for the hint). Then climb up again and jump onto her to get it. When you have got all of the items get down to the cauldron and jump into it. Well it sounds easy, but everybody who has ever played the game will tell you something different.

I will not put the end screen in here, because that was the reason, why I have been playing the game to the end ten years after.

Any additions, suggestions? Please tell me via email.

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